September 2, 2012

Summer Fun

Based on the past few posts, it seems as though my blog has turned into a food blog. Truth is, those posts are easy to hammer out and schedule while we're out and about enjoying our summer - or wait fall, I think summer is over. Anyway, over the next few days I'll be posting all about the fun we had starting with...a RODEO!

Way back in July, I heard about the Hammel Rodeo that would be taking place in Corcoran, MN and told Joe we should go. Growing up mom and dad used to take us to rodeos around ET and I wanted Mateo and Joe to have the experience.

It wasn't too hot (the humidity had finally subsided for a day or two) and Mateo had a great time running up and down the hill and trying to sit on everyone else's blanket. We stayed for the whole thing - even the bull riding which is the whole reason to go to the rodeo!


Amy said...

It looks like Taye is doing a giddy up in the first pic! haha! love him!

nana said...

loved the rodes when you were kids, well you still are kids lol, loves