September 5, 2011


I need to get better at updating this thing on a regular basis. So, we've had an few exciting weekends so here's a quick recap.

Family Values Camping Trip
No, Taye and I did not go camping as "camping" to me is a Super 8 (no offense). However, we did drive the 30 min drive to hang out with everyone for the day one Saturday.

Every year Joe and his buddies and their families camp the first weekend in August. Taye had a great time hanging out with everyone and taking in the great outdoors. We watched some badmitten, camping golf, and climbed all over Stella - the poor dog put up with Mateo like a champ. Mateo's schedule went out the window and he had two maybe 30 minute naps and was a champ the whole day.

A curly mohawk thanks to the heat/humidity!!!

Como Zoo
I love the zoo but am spoiled by Milwaukee's. I cannot stand the MN Zoo, although it's been a while since I've been there so I should give it a chance but I digress. Anyway, Como Zoo in St Paul is a "free" zoo (they ask for a small donation) and its just a nice cozy place.

We thought Mateo would love it but he was way more interested in all of the people and little kids than the animals...oh well, maybe next year he'll get excited to see the tigers and bears.


Amy said...

Just wait til Taye sees our zoo! We will have to go in together on a Zoo Pass for next year & whenever you come home (which will be a lot!!!!!) we will have to go! :) Okay, sounds great!

Jenny said...

Is that a real tortoise? AWESOME! I'd like to see that!

sal said...

loved the pic of stella & auntie anna & mateo ~~ glad you guys had a great time there ~ loves, nana
ps brooke, your sister is sure planning on you guys being here alot! ~~ how funny ~~

Brooke said...

Jenny - No that is a bronze sculpture. However, they do have a real tortise, it was just hiding and I wasn't able to get a good photo of it.