September 5, 2011

Mateo - Ten months

Mateo and his trusty blue hammer

Somebody caved and may have given him a
bite of cake - hence the cheeseball smile

I feel like I say this every time but wow is Mateo busy!! I think I mentioned in the last post if Mateo can see it, he can grab it (or tries) and he gets closer each time he tries. He's figured out if he stands on his tip toes, it gives him just a smidge more length to grab something. If he goes around to the other side of the coffee table, he can grab dad's computer. If he uses his push toy as a step stool, he can reach mom's soda. Oh yes, the fun is never ending around here.

Mateo is eating pretty much everything except for the "bad before one foods" (milk, honey, eggs, peanuts). Anything and everything else is fair game and he loves to eat. Mateo is learning to walk and does about 5 or 6 steps before he lowers himself to his tush and then finishes his journey by crawling to where he needs to go.

Being more mobile has led to some bumps and Mateo's first black eye. Yep, a black eye at ten months old. Taye put up a good fight but the bathtub was just too strong. I've also been assured that this is only the first of many yet to come. He's also quite the daredevil. He has a rocking/scooter toy that he gets on and rocks and then will actually stand on the seat. Yeah, Nana and Aunite Amy got to witness this on skype the other day. Oh yeah, he also likes to try to crawl on the top of the exersaucer and grab what we wants instead of walking around it. He's all boy.

He also has a total of four teeth now. His bottom two came in right around six months and now his top two have finally appeared. It's so crazy how each babe is different. A friend has a nine month old with nine teeth!!! I'm thrilled with Mateo's four.

I can't believe how fast time is going/has gone. Pray that his 5 or 6 steps of walking doesn't turn into full fledged running to soon.


Amy said...

Love the smile in the second pic! What a hambone! You forgot to mention that he likes to try & try again if someone tells him "not for babies". :)

sal said...

what an adorable little boy ~ he's a little boy that is enjoying "investigating" everything around him whether he has to go over, under or on top of things ~~ lol what a cutie. loves, nana

Shan said...

Fynnie got her first busted lip yesterday. She was doing this crazy butt in the air, hands and feet version of crawling, complete with grunts and shaking her head for each step. Blam! The ground came up and got her right in the kisser. She was fine pretty much right away and hasn't let it stop her from anything else. Harder on Mama. Probably the same was true with you, huh? No fun!

Brooke said...

OMG Shan!! That sounds awful cuz I'm guessing there was blood - I'll take a black eye over that!