April 20, 2009

Hello? Is there anybody out there?

No, no, I am not quoting from a Pink Floyd song I'm just wondering if you gave up on me as I do realize that I have not posted in over a month

What have I been doing? Working 40 hrs for the past 4 weeks. Starting this week, it is back to 30 hrs at work. You see, I got a little too adjusted to working 30 hrs and trying to cook, clean, blog, hit the gym, etc got a little difficult on 40 hrs. I know, I know - quit whining but I seriously don't know how people with children do it.

Anyway, what have we been up too? Well lets start with March...

I bought 4 tickets to see the Twins vs the Brew Crew when single game tickets went on sale on March 7th. Joe and I are treating Amy and Luke to a game when they come visit in May. May the best team win!!

March 14th my friend April (she just started selling jewelry) had a jewelry party and there was a ton of stuff I wanted, so I decided I would have a party (more on that later). Joe had poker with the boys that night so Anna and I met up bought like 5 or 6 pairs of shoes between the two of us. We got ridiculous deals and couldn't pass 'em up!!

The next weekend, it was my friend Linda's birthday so I took her to the Little Oven for lunch. It was fantastic!!

Oh yeah - the best part of March - the weekend before the poker night, Joe and I were at Travis' and he (Joe) had quite the fun time. Needless to say, he didn't drink at the poker party and I think this past weekend was the first time he had a beer. You'll have to ask him the story if you want to know anymore.

So that brings us to the first part of April...

April 4th (the day after Aunt Lori's b-day!! Happy belated birthday! Wish we could have made the surprise party!!) was my jewelry party. It was fantastic and I got 9 pieces for free!!! It is totally worth having one!! If any of the MN readers want April's info, let me know.

After the party, Anna and I shopped again and then had a Bond movie night with some beers. We watched Casino Royal and Quantum of Solace (and then the first 1/2 of Shrek because it was on TBS)

April 8th it was off to Elk River that evening for my friend Carrie's (her birthday was April 1st!! Happy belated birthday Carrie!!) jewelry party. April and I were invited early for dinner with Carrie and her boys (Kaden -5, Kael - 3, and hubby Keith). The boys were so excited to see April and I and the highlight of dinner was when Kaden said, "My mom, she's not a smart one" and we all laughed (except for Carrie) and no, April and I will never let her forget that her son said that...EVER!

The next weekend was Easter and I had Good Friday off, which was also, drum roll please, my Mom's birthday!!! Happy belated birthday Mom!!

Saturday, Joe spent all day on the roof of the garage fixing the hole from last year. I raked the front yard and then moved to the backyard to clean up the shingles that Joe threw off the roof. I was his gopher and would climb things up the ladder to him. I also sat out on the deck and read a whole book because I was afraid to leave him alone for fear he would fall off the roof. The roof looked good but the test will be once it rains.

Easter Sunday we went to his Grandma and Grandpa's and hung out with Tony, Gram and Gramps and his mom. It was good to see everyone and we were sent home with yummy food his gram cooked! Love her!!

And that brings us up to date...I will be blogging more but the last thing I've been wanting to do is to come home and sit in front of the computer since I do that all day at work. Now that I have had by blogging vacation - watch out!


Carrie Weatherby said...

Oh Sure... Laugh it up, Falbo... You just wait until you have a little ankle-biter running around who says something embarrassing about you!!! :) The sad thing is that Kaden probably DOES have a higher IQ than me- he's such a little brainiac... oh well... I'll deal with the insult... and with the continued laughing, which I'm sure will last for another 10 years or so... :)

Brooke said...

Hahaha! The best part for me was looking at Keith and watching his face turn red and him shaking from trying to not laugh out loud!!