April 29, 2012

Nice to meet you, I'm your Aunt Brooke

Last weekend Mateo and I finally got to meet Baby Cash!! All of us were supposed to go the weekend before but Taye got sick and Joe wasn't able to switch his days off so it turned into a mam/son road trip. We were given a portable DVD player that goes around the headrest and man that is the GREATEST invention ever.

We got into ET on Thursday night and the Smith family was at Nana and Papa's. When I picked up Cash, I thought I was going to break him. He was 3 weeks old and he was so light and teeny and snugly. Papa was holding Cash and we brought Mateo over and he was so flippin' sweet and gentle. He'd pat Cash's foot and say "baaayyybee."

Basically the Smith family spent all weekend at Nana and Papa's so Mateo and Cash had a lot of cousin time. I've promised Cash that as soon as he's old enough, I'll hold Mateo down so he can give him a few whacks to make up for this weekend. Some of Mateo's "pats" were a bit forceful :).

Excuse my hand but that was one of the "forceful" pats :)

On top of getting to meet Baby Cash, we also got to meet Baby Tanner!! Mateo didn't know what to think with all these baby boys as he's surrounded by little girls at daycare. I'm trying to win the lottery so we can move back to ET so Cash, Mateo and Tanner can take their dads and grandpas hunting :) Speaking of hunting....Papa got a turkey!!!

We'll be back (all of us) in ET for Memorial Day and I can't wait to get more 1:1 Auntie Brooke and Baby Cash time!!!


nana said...

love them grandsons : ) loves, nana (& papa, too)

Jenny said...

Couple "pats" just to remind Cash who his older/wiser cousin is.