April 1, 2012

He's here!!! He's here!!!

I'm an Aunt!!! Mateo's a big cousin!!! Joe's an Uncle!!!!

Cash Lucas Smith was born on Friday, March 30 at 5:59 AM. He is 6lbs 11oz and 21 inches long!!

He is the cutest little guy I have ever seen (well, except for Taye) and I've been told by his daddy that he really likes snuggles. We're heading to ET in two weeks so we can meet my precious nephew in person (we met on Skype Friday night but it's not the same).

Mateo and I are being over-dramatic (or so Joe says) but we think these next two weeks are going to be the LONGEST of our lives!!

Melt my heart!

Papa telling Cash about his big cousin Mateo


nana said...

how lucky are papa & i to have another beautiful, handsome little grandson ~~ love, love, love it!!

Carrie Weatherby said...

Congrats, friend! That's so great that the boys will be close in age- they can be cousins and best buddies! :) Miss you tons and hope all is well! Mateo is ADORABLE, and it looks like life is great!! Hugs to you!

Jenny said...

Yippee! Aunties!

Brooke said...

And double Aunties to you Jenny!!! How lucky - 2 new nephews in one week!!!

Liz Bower said...

Congrats to Auntie Brooke, Uncle Joe, Big Couise Mato, Nana Sal, Papa Scott, and of course, Luke and Amy! I can't wait to meet Mr. Cash!

Amy said...

Baby Cash said that it is going to be the longest 2 weeks of his life til he gets to meet you guys!