April 27, 2012

Mateo - Eighteen months

Holy man I can't believe that my baby is really no longer a baby but a crazy little boy. And he is ALL boy. The kid never slows down which results in his little body going faster than his little legs can keep up...or maybe the other way around - hence lots of trips and falls and he gets right back up without even flinching.

He eats anything and everything and for the past few days refuses to eat if Joe tries to feed him because he wants to do it himself. So, Joe and I have to sit back and cringe as spoon fulls of food fly through the dining room but for the most part, Mateo does really well getting the food in his mouth.

He talks and talks and talks although we still can't really understand what he's saying. If he's in the mood he'll repeat some words but he has to be in the mood. Every now and then I'll get a little finger poking me in the eye saying "EEEYYYEEE" and then he points to my nose and says "nooooooose" which is adorable.

I have to say, I absolutely love this age. I love the discoveries that he is making like rocks and dirt don't taste very good. The fact that the hamper can be knocked over, turned on its side and then climbed on. Same thing for the rocker toy he has. How his tool box can (when turned over) gives him the boost he needs to climb on the couch or how the bottom ledge of the coffee table is a good place to get a boost onto the other couch.

Joe and I look at each other at least once a day and can't believe what a little boy he is and we just try to savor every second because it goes by so incredibly fast.


Amy said...

You forgot baybee :)

love him!

Shan said...

Okay, here's something incredibly lame: I *know* he's only two months younger than Fynnie, but somehow the thought that he's 18 months does not compute.

I love this age, too. :+)