May 13, 2010

Almost halfway

***SPOILER ALERT - If you don't want to know the sex of the baby skip this post :)***
On Saturday, I'll be officially half way through the pregnancy. I can't believe how fast it is going and thankfully, it's pretty uneventful.

Last Monday (5/3) we had a level 2 ultrasound and it was the first appointment Joe went too. Technically, this the fourth ultrasound we've had so I didn't expect to be too amazed at what we saw but between looking at the screen and Joe, it was pretty cool.

Some things that we learned during the ultrasound:

1. Baby Bo (short for Baby Falbo - that is how we refer to the baby thanks to Uncle Luke) really doesn't like to have his/her heartbeat listened too. The past two dr appts, the drs will get Baby Bo's heartbeat for literally a second, and then have to search for 2 or 3 minutes because Baby Bo hides. Well, same thing happned during the ultrasound except we could see Baby Bo so hiding wasn't the issue, but turning was. The poor tech tried about 6 times before she got Baby Bo to stay still long enough to get the heartbeat.

2. Baby Bo doesn't really like to listen. The ultrasound tech needed to turn Baby Bo's face toward her so she could get a good look at the lip/palate so she'd press on Baby Bo and sure enough, Baby Bo would turn the opposite way the tech needed. We probably did that about 3 times before Baby Bo cooperated.

3. This definitely is Joe's child purely based on Baby Bo's inability to follow directions or this is definitely my child based on Baby Bo's decide.

So the big question I'm sure most of you are dying to Baby Bo a boy or a girl? If you don't want to know stop reading right now. If you would like to know, continue on...

Baby Bo is a perfect baby boy and I'm not saying perfect, that's what the Dr said after the ultrasound. He has 10 fingers/toes, all the organs are just fine and all his measurements are right on. When the docs came in to tell us what they saw, she told us "you have a pretty perfect baby in there." Now they may tell this to everyone but we felt pretty special.

I'm sure you're wondering my reaction to the "it's a boy" comment. Well, I was completely shocked when the tech told us. Joe and I looked at one another in shock and Joe even asked the tech "are you sure?" The tech laughed and showed us that yes, this is for sure a boy. As I tried to process the fact that I was not having a girl, I glanced at Joe, who I now think had been lying to me about wanting a girl, because his smile just kept getting bigger and bigger.

So, for the first time in my life, I will be out numbered in my own house. I'm not quite sure how to handle that so if anyone has any advice, please let me know. Frankly, I think this baby boy is my Dad's reward for dealing with a house full of women for how many years.

For now, that is all the news on the baby are some pictures of me at 19 weeks 3 days.


Andrea said...

Awww your belly is so dang cute!

Amy said...

Awww! I love Baby Bo! :)

Liz Bower said...

You look so cute! Congrats. No, I didn't say ANYTHING to anyone. I am so excited for the both of you. Have you thought of names yet?

Brooke said...

Liz - No names yet because we really thought it was a girl. We have time though so not too worried about it.

Unknown said...

You look beautiful! Congratulations!

Anna said...

Aww...I like Baby Bo too! Maybe you should just call him that!

Brooke said...

Anna - are you sure you and Luke aren't conspiring against me? He thinks we should name him Bo so they can be "Bo and Luke" from Dukes of Hazard. Luke has already informed us that he will be calling him Bo regardless of what his name is. You are more than welcome to do the same :)

Rebecca said...

Brooke, you look beautiful! And what a post... your description of Joe's widening smile... wonderful.