May 5, 2011

Mateo - Six months

I feel like I say this every time but I cannot believe that he is already 6 months old. So much has happened this month with him and it is just fascinating to watch.

First, he cut his first tooth on his six month birthday. About two weeks later, tooth number two appeared (both on the bottom). Then the sitting all by himself for long amounts of time happened. Next came the rocking on all fours which lead to a scoot/dive approach and he's now crawling/scooting/diving, but only if it's to get mom's cell phone, the laptop cord, remote control or to take things off the coffee table/entertainment center. We can no longer leave him alone because he's a fast mover and we have not yet baby-proofed.

Mateo also started eating solids. He loves his oatmeal and fruit (any kind, it doesn't matter) and the same goes with veggies. The only food he hasn't liked are Green Beans and Rice which I'm guessing may be the texture, because he'll eat plain green beans without a problem.

It's also time to lower his crib. If we sit him in his crib, he'll reach out and pull himself up...we have evidence:

However, so far he hasn't been able to go from all fours to sitting in his crib even though he can do it on a hard surface. I know it's only a matter of time so I'd rather lower now than later.

Finally, he doesn't stop talking. The child babbles non-stop and if he's not babbling, he's shrieking in joy. I can't believe how much he's changed and learned this past month - he's definitely becoming less baby and more little boy.


sal said...

our little guy is just one handsome little boy & so much fun. you have to remember (well you don't really remember cuz you were little) but, when you were that age, your nickname was "babblin' brooke" ~ also, you should add in your blog about his fun time in the "big" pool at the hotel : ) love you kids, : ) nana & papa

sal said...

oh,, it is harder to skype with that little guy on the go all the time . . . you will have to carry the laptop around when we skype ~~ :) :) :) :)
loves, nana & papa

sal said...

pps...oh, wait, i believe i haven't sent you the pics yet of the pool ... i'll get on that right away ~~ loves, nana

Amy said...

Wow! Nana! I agree with you on all topics. I would love to see some pool pics soon, ahem :)

Tater we wish you lived closer (your Mom & Dad, too) We had such a great time hanging with you over the weekend!

Love you all!

Shan said...

Such a handsome little guy... and so advanced. Fynnie started babbling, saying Mama and scooting (backward if she's laying down, sort of in circles if she's sitting up) all since Saturday. Ever hear that babies who are learning something have trouble sleeping? That's what I reminded myself of as she laughed and played from 3:30 to 5:15 this morning.