May 8, 2011

Mateo - Seven months

So I'm a little behind on Mateo's updates but its because he's a full-fledged crawler and frankly, a bit hard to keep up with. About a week after he started crawling like a pro, he started pulling himself up on anything and everything. He can move around the living room quite efficiently using the furniture. It usually goes something like this:

Pulls himself up on the coffee table, side stepping to the couch, moving one hand/foot to the couch and then moving the other hand/foot to the couch. Next he sidesteps down the couch usually trying to reach for the remote or my computer until he reaches the end table. Moves one hand/foot to said table then the other. Usually tries to grab at whatever may be on that table, usually my cell phone. Then moves with one hand/foot to the recliner finally plops on his butt and crawls to the next thing that needs investigating.

Mateo has become Joe's shadow too. As always, when Joe walks in the room or leaves the room Mateo notices. Now, when Joe leaves, Mateo follows which then turns into a game of me grabbing Mateo and bringing him back to the living room only for him to take off once I move away from him.

Besides his new found freedom of mobility he's also started eating know the turkey sweet potato baby foods. He does really well with them and we discovered over Memorial Day weekend that he doesn't like peas. He sat in the highchair while Papa fed him and would lean his head back and shake his head no. It was flippin' adorable.

What else...we had to lower his crib yet again because it just made me nervous how easily he could pull up himself and we're patiently awaiting for more teeth.

Other than that, seven months has brought Mateo new found freedom which he absolutely LOVES!


nana said...

he'll be walking before you know it....remember, you walked at 10 months and auntie amy walked at
9 months so she could keep up with you :) loves, nana

Amy said...

Now, we need his 8 month post already! :) Love that lil guy!

Shan said...

That is one cute bebe... I guess he's working his way out of being a baby, huh? Fynn started crawling Tuesday of last week, and can do the hand/foot thing once she's up, but still needs help getting up.