March 21, 2011

Mateo - Five months

As you can see from the above photos, five months translates into not sitting still. Mateo has no problem rolling belly to back and occasionally (usually when he's pissed (sorry Nana)) can role belly to back. He'll tolerate being on his stomach as long as there is a toy to chew on in front of him and he's getting really good at pushing his torso off the floor.

He's doing fairly well with the rice cereal so I'm excited for his six-month check up and are given the go ahead to start other food.

In addition to the eating/rolling, Mateo has figured out how to take his socks off and suck on his toes, just like his Auntie Amy used to do. It's absolutely hilarious to watch. Bath time is still a blast, especially now that he's learning to splash and he can eat his toes. We're trying to practice seating up and he does fairly well. I think he can sit by himself for about 15 seconds before he starts to fall to the side.

Mateo is full of smiles and laughs, especially when his dad is in the room. It's quite sickening to be honest. Joe walks in the room and Mateo stares at him like he walks on water. I can't believe how the time has flown and can't wait to see what six months has in store for us.


Shan said...

Shocking that you two would have such an adorable boy, haha. Don't worry, Mama... the Dadoration will shift. I used to tell Tom that for the first 2.5 years of Mad's life. Holy cow, the shift was sudden and painful (for me, since I'd been her lovey up til then), but has since balanced out.

sal said...

love the pics ~~ especially the last photo, "hmmmm where did his one sock go???" "oh yeah, where else would he put it---there it is in his mouth" :) :) love you kids, nana & papa