November 21, 2010

Mateo - One month

This post should have gone up 2 weeks ago..oops!

It's hard to believe that Mateo is already one month old. It feels like he's been here forever and yet not. We've had our share of ups and downs this past month but now most of the kinks are worked out.

This week has brought big smiles from Mateo to mom, dad, nana, papa, Auntie Amy and everyone else. He's waving his arms, learning he can  suck on his fists and talking up a storm. Mateo has a good set of lungs and lets us know when he doesn't like something. The evenings are usually a little fussy but once he's in his bath tub, he's a happy little camper.

Yeah - he was sick of the all the picture taking
 (trust me, there were more than just these 3)


Amy said...

Sweet little Mateo :)

Rebecca said...

Holy completely adorable!