October 23, 2010

Thoughts on Motherhood

I wasn't expecting it to be this hard but I'm told it will get easier. Thankfully Mateo is a pretty easy-going baby but the whole getting up every 2 or 3 hrs at night is catching up with me.

If we have another baby in the future and that baby is a boy, Joe will be taking the day off too when it comes to getting that boy circumcised. Thursday was an incredibly long day filled with meltdowns by both Mateo and mama.

I honestly have no idea how single moms do it. I cannot imagine how single moms go through pregnancy, labor and bringing baby home by themselves. Yes, I know they have (hopefully) family/friends to help but it's not the same as being able to hand baby to your partner and saying "your turn."

Even though motherhood is harder than I thought, Mateo is so totally worth it. I love how he sneezes, his big yawns and how he shakes his head when its time to eat. I love watching Joe taking care of his son - there's already a fabulous bond between them and I can't wait to see how that grows. Yes, motherhood is hard but it's so totally worth it when you get to look at this:


Shan said...

Speaking from two months in the future (exactly... he was born on the 8th, right?), I can say it *has* been progressively easier. The first few weeks are the hardest, the next few are a little less hard and then life starts settling down a bit.

What an adorable baby! There are a lot of moms who've said, "It's a good thing you're so cute or... !" LOL

I'd say hang in there, but it sounds like you're doing a great job (helpful daddies are the bomb, yes?).

Brooke said...

Shan - thank you for the "glimpse" into the future. I've had quite a few people tell me to just wait until 5 or 6 weeks and life will be much better.

And, last night he decided to sleep from 8:20 until midnight (and daddy took that feeding)so maybe I need to blog about the lack of rest that I get more often :)

Rebecca said...

Things definitely get easier around six weeks, and then at three months you start to feel like you really have the hang of things.

Brooke, welcome to the family of those who "get it." People tell you when you're pregnant that life changes and that kids are a lot of work. I always found those comments annoying because I thought I was prepared. I thought I knew how busy life could be, and I thought I knew what love felt like. Having a baby and bringing him/her home is like throwing your life in a blender. Everything changes. The same ingredients are there, but they are all jumbled up, and you'll never be able to to put it back the way it was. Sometimes you want life to return to normal. Sometimes you love your new life. Then your new life becomes normal, and you can't remember what it was like before. You LOVE your new life. (You will get there.)

You really have no idea until you go through it, and then you get it - you get what all those parents kept trying to tell you about how your life changes with a baby. You get how hard it is to completely lose control of your life when a baby decides everything you do and when you do it, and you get what it means to love your own child. There is nothing as powerful as a mother's love for her child. Well, maybe a father's love...

Welcome to motherhood. Now that you are here, you may want to look at some of those mothering groups out there. They can be great during those first few months especially. Parenting Oasis is a local favorite.

Rebecca said...

Wow. That was a long comment. Sorry about that.