October 29, 2010

Keep your fingers crossed...

I'm trying to work on a post that recaps Mateo's birth, however, this has been a very trying week to say the least. Mateo was circumcised last Thursday and a little cranky last weekend which I chalked up to the circumcision and Auntie A and Uncle Luke were here so it wasn't terrible.

However, Sunday he was definitely cranky and by Wed, he had gone off the deep end. I called the peds office Wed evening and Gail, the most wonderful nurse ever spent 30 minutes on the phone with me. I called back Thursday morning to make an appt for Friday because holy crap Thursday morning was awful. I again spoke with Gail and upon hearing the screaming got us in Thursday afternoon instead of Friday.

We saw a different ped since ours was on vacation and he gave us a can of Nutragimen to try and a prescription for a reflux med. The doc said something is obviously bothering him so we are to try the Nutragimen until Monday. If that doesn't work, then we are to go back to the other formula we were using and fill the prescription for the reflux meds and see if that works. If that doesn't work, then its back to the doc.

So far it's been 24 hrs on the Nutragimen and I think my baby is starting to reappear. He actually napped today for 2 hrs and is now napping again. Hopefully he'll wake up happy/content instead of screaming. Keep your fingers crossed that this helps so we don't have to try the reflux meds. We should know by tomorrow afternoon as I've heard that it takes 48 hrs for you to see a change...we're praying this works.


Rebecca said...

Oh, Mateo, feel better soon! Poor tummy!

Not fun, Brooke. I'm thinking of you.

Brooke said...

Rebecca - thank you!! I think it's working...he's been pooping lots more and passing gas (oh what my conversations have become) and napping without putting up much fuss as well as "talking" to us and being content.

My heart goes out to the parents that have colicky kids that cry non-stop for hrs on end. It makes me shudder.

Shan said...

Keeping my fingers crossed (which makes the one handed typing that much more challenging, lol). Sending lots of happy baby thoughts your way.

Brooke said...

Thanks Shan!!! We'll see how today goes and hopefully there will be a happy update!