August 22, 2010

Long overdue

After quite a few busy weeks at work, weekends traveling and being exhausted I realized that it's been far too long between posts. This will be a long one (you've been warned) to update on the craziness that was July and almost August (I can't believe summer is almost over).

Baby shower #1/New house BBQ/Turning 30 - July 10-July 12
Baby shower #1 was thrown in ET by Auntie Amy and Nana Sal and they did a truly fantastic job. It was great to see everyone and we received lots of fabulous gifts. (THANK YOU...and the thank you cards are finally in the mail...sorry!).

After the shower we cleaned up and headed over to Auntie Amy's and Uncle Luke's new house (they closed in May but this was the first time Joe and I saw it) for a BBQ with Luke's parents, siblings (and their fams) and mom and dad. Their house is adorable and there was more food (thanks Dad and Joe for taking over cooking for both parties) and it was a ton of fun!

We headed back to MN on Sunday and Monday marked my 30th birthday. It was pretty uneventful and really wasn't that big a deal. The highlight was Anna stopping over Monday night with a fabulous DQ ice cream cake!!

ET Wedding - July 23-25
Joe and I headed down to ET again to celebrate Chad and Cathi's wedding. It was a hot and humid day with the ceremony being outside. Thankfully, it managed to cool off enough for the ceremony and there was a beautiful breeze. Cathi looked lovely and it was wonderful to watch them get married.

Chad's family from MN was down as well and it was amazing to see all of his aunts, uncles, cousins again with their own families and they were an absolute hoot on the dance floor!!

Anniversary - August 11
Wednesday marked our 3 year anniversary and if it had not been for Kari's email to me Tuesday night, I (and Joe) would have completely forgotten. I blame the baby for my memory loss but I'm not sure what Joe's excuse was. Anyway, after work on Wednesday, we went out and had a nice little dinner to celebrate the fact we didn't forget and then ended up getting the exact same anniversary card from Amy/Luke and Mom and Dad...what are the chances of that?

Nana Sal/Papa Scott visit - August 13-15
Last weekend mom and dad came up so Joe and dad could figure out our heating situation. For the past three years, we've had great heat in the living room/bathroom but all three bedrooms we finally broke down last year and bought a bad-ass space heater (2 to be exact) that we would turn on to heat up our bedroom. Well, with the baby's pending arrival, Joe and Dad figured they should probably try to fix the issue.

While the boys did that mom and I took off for the Just Between Friends sale in Eden Prairie. I realized about two weeks ago that I'm going to have a baby born in the fall and he has no pants, just short sleeve onesies so I thought I better do something about that.

Mom and I found a lot of great clothes, although the woman channeled Grandma Lu and wouldn't let me pay for anything and if I found an outfit, I'd hold it up for her to see and she would grab it and say "I don't know" and then put it in her bag. I finally stopped handing her clothes so I could buy my child something. I also kept telling her, she was going to have to deal with Joe when he saw all the clothes that were purchased...

By the time we got home, the boys had fixed the heating issue and all is good. We also hooked up the baby monitor that Nana Sal and Papa Scott bought which has a video monitor and it is just cool! THANK YOU again!!

So, in between our busy weekends Joe and I were still doing tons of laundry for Baby Bo, organizing his room, trying to find childcare for him, etc. This weekend will consist of packing up a bag for the hospital (just in case) because this Saturday (the 21st) will mark 6 weeks until the due date. On that note, I've also entered the world of every other week dr appts and Baby Bo decided to slow down in the growth dept and I'm now measuring just a smidge big instead of "quite a bit."

Here are some belly pictures (I look like I've stuffed a basketball under my shirt!) and what Baby Bo's room looks like...

28 weeks

31ish or 32 weeks


Jenny said...

I first read the title and thought you were referring to the baby!
Happy 30th!

Amy said...

The rocker & lamp look wonderful :) There's not a better place for them!

sal said...

boy, it sure has been a busy, busy fun, fun summer ~~ loves, mom xox
ps would love to see a pic of baby bo's closet, too :) :) :)

Shan said...

You look so beautiful! I drop in every once in a while... it didn't seem like it's been that long, but here I find two new posts! So... congrats on the shower and the shopping. Happy birthday! And Happy Anniversary! LOL

And yes... so far the flaming ants trick seems to have worked.

Hey, the word verification is "glowd"... appropriate for a pregnant woman's site, huh?