April 2, 2010

And the next project is

I've had a really hard time blogging lately and it seems my posting has gone from once a week or so to once a month. So, the last post mentioned that we already had our next project in mind so what will that be? Turning the junk room into the spare bedroom so the spare bedroom can become the baby's room.

Yep, baby is set to make his/her appearance in early October. Not a whole lot needs to be done with the room, just painting and carpeting and the paint is already picked out.

Here are the questions I'm asked when I tell people the news:

How far along? 14 weeks

When are you due? October 2 (although Uncle Luke is hoping the baby is born on his b-day, Oct 20 - I'm hoping before)

How are you feeling? For the last 2-3 weeks I finally feel normal again. Weeks 5-10 were awful. Some puking, gaging, nausea all day, food turned me off. The only thing that I could eat were bananas, oranges, pudding cups, eggs, english muffins/toast, saltines. I feel normal again and can now stand to cook and eat.

Any cravings? Not really. Although once I get an idea to eat something in my head, I have to have that particular food but I don't crave anything on a regular basis.

Are you showing? (for those I've told recently over the phone) Yes

Are you excited? Duh

Those are most of the questions we're asked. If I've missed soemthing, let me know and I may/may not tell you based on the question.


Carrie Weatherby said...

YAY!!! That picture of your baby bump is SO CUTE!!!! Can't wait to see you! So glad you're not all pukey anymore!! woo-hoo!!! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Finally we no longer have to keep quiet! lol! I am sooo excited for you guys! Loves

Rachel said...

Congratulations, Brooke! You look so happy.

Brooke said...

Thanks Rachel. I was laughing at Joe who was trying to "pose" me.

Anonymous said...

Whooo-hoooo!!! Brooke, I'm so excited for you! What excellent news, I can't wait to hear all the updates, you're going to have to start blogging every week now so we don't miss a moment. Congratulations momma!! Cheryl

Rebecca said...

YAY!!!! Congratulations, Brooke! I love the photo - you definitely have the bump. I also love the list of the only foods that you could eat during that horrible barfy stage. Pudding cups?! That was one that would have made me barf for sure.