September 16, 2012

Like curious, like Curious George!

A friend at work has a daughter three weeks younger than Mateo and mentioned they went to the Children's Museum last weekend. He told me they had a Curious George exhibit and that every third Sunday of the month is free thanks to Target. I was sold. It just so happens that today was the free Sunday so I told Joe we were going!!

Holy smokes - I'm so glad Mark told me about the Children's Museum and if you live in MN, you should definitely take your kids. Every exhibit they have is interactive and kid-friendly. They have one specific exhibit that is for the age of 4 and under which is so nice. We had a blast and Mateo passed out about 5 min after we got in the car (and abruptly woke up once we pulled in the much for that nap).

Here are some of the adventures we had today - we'll definitely be going back!

Joe and I just about cried when we saw the water tables...Mateo loves water
and loves to splash...we couldn't say no and he actually did really well


I told him to say "cheese" and this is what we got :)

We were photo-bombed!!

Well Papa, not sure if he'll be a fire-fighter...he looks a bit annoyed
we made him try on that outfit


Amy said...

Cashman wore a firefighter shirt today! Those boys & their Papa! :) So glad Taye had a great time! We will have to go next year when we come to visit! love ya'll!

nana said...

love, love, love the pics ~ how FUN!!