I got to spend all day and night with Kari dress shopping and driving all over creation and it was a blast! We got back to Kari's about 5:30ish and started getting ready for the party. Beer and cheese - it can't get better than that.

I saw a few girls from highschool who I haven't saw in probably 10 years plus Kari's sister-in-law who I haven't saw in about 10 years too. It was great catching up with people and meeting the other 2 bridesmaid (there was supposed to be one more but she couldn't make it) and just hanging out with the girls.
I made my way to my parents around 9:15ish and Lukey was still there!! I got to box him in wii and played bowling with him, Amy and Dad too while Mom vegged on the couch. Mom, Amy and I slept on the air mattress and couches in the family room and had "slumber parties" both Friday and Saturday night.
I woke up to snow, snow and more snow Saturday morning and did some hair for the fam as well as helped Amy color flags for "pin the flag on the mailbox" for her class. Mom, Dad, Amy and I went bowling and then had pizza for dinner.
After some early evening rest, Amy and Dad went plowing while Mom taught me how to crochet and then we played the wii again.
Sunday morning I was headed back to MN and collapsed on my couch once I was home. I was exhausted from a fast-paced, fun-filled weekend and sore (crazy!!) from playing the wii. Evidently I get a little too involved in it.
This weekend made me miss living in WI so I am now going to play Powerball every week so we can have two houses and come and go to WI as we please.
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