Ok - I confess, I am a nerd.
I have always loved to read and as I have gotten older, I only have time to read now while on vacation. My friend Carrie was over about a month or so ago and was telling me how she wanted to see the movie Twilight. Because I am a nerd and listen to talk radio and read CNN.com instead of People.com, I had no clue what she was talking about.
She told me about the plot, basically it's a family of "vegetarian" vampires (they don't feed on humans) and how a human girl (Bella) and one of the vegetarian vampires (Edward) fall in love but way more in depth. It's not too gorey or inapropriate as the series is for young adults. *Note: The plot is way better than what I just wrote but if I were to write more in depth, this post would be pages and pages!! Anyway, Carrie said they were fantastic and couldn't put the books down. I all but forgot about the Twilight Series until...
As you know, Joe and I decide to go to ET for Thanksgiving and he, being the wonderful husband he is, said he would drive. I thought perfect, 4 days of no work, I am going to read - but what? Then I remembered Carrie! The Twilight Series! So off to Barnes and Nobles I went on Monday 11/24 over my lunch hour.
By the time we left on Wednesday 11/26, I was 1/2 way through the book and finished it two hours into the drive. It was about a 500 page book and it was fantastic. It literally consumed my mind!!
Friday, 11/28 I found the 2nd book, New Moon at Target. I bought it and had it finished by Saturday morning. We arrived back at home (MN home) around 6 pm and I helped Joe unpack in record time and took off to MGM for beer and Target for books 3 and 4 (Eclipse and Breaking Dawn). As I headed out the back door to Target I heard by fabulous husband say, "I married a bookworm."
I returned home and started reading Eclipse while Joe watched some metal show and I had that book finished by Sunday morning. I started Breaking Dawn and wasn't able to finish that book until Tuesday (I had to go to work on Monday - couldn't just stay in bed and read).
Now each book is 500 - 750 pages long and I had all four finished in 8 days - they are amazing - all I thought about were these damn books and what would happen next, if I was Bella what would I do, etc. So I called Carrie and yelled at her and she laughed and we made a date to see the movie Twilight. We went this past Saturday (12/6) and I just don't know. The movie wasn't terrible, but I had hoped for more. The books are so deep and complex and the movie lost some of that. The actress that played Bella wasn't super convincing but the guy that played Edward was well worth it.
If you want to see the movie, see it before you read the book - you may be more impressed than I was. And yes they are going to make New Moon into a movie and yes I will see that too (right Carrie - you and I have a date for that one too?)
I have always loved to read and as I have gotten older, I only have time to read now while on vacation. My friend Carrie was over about a month or so ago and was telling me how she wanted to see the movie Twilight. Because I am a nerd and listen to talk radio and read CNN.com instead of People.com, I had no clue what she was talking about.
She told me about the plot, basically it's a family of "vegetarian" vampires (they don't feed on humans) and how a human girl (Bella) and one of the vegetarian vampires (Edward) fall in love but way more in depth. It's not too gorey or inapropriate as the series is for young adults. *Note: The plot is way better than what I just wrote but if I were to write more in depth, this post would be pages and pages!! Anyway, Carrie said they were fantastic and couldn't put the books down. I all but forgot about the Twilight Series until...
As you know, Joe and I decide to go to ET for Thanksgiving and he, being the wonderful husband he is, said he would drive. I thought perfect, 4 days of no work, I am going to read - but what? Then I remembered Carrie! The Twilight Series! So off to Barnes and Nobles I went on Monday 11/24 over my lunch hour.
By the time we left on Wednesday 11/26, I was 1/2 way through the book and finished it two hours into the drive. It was about a 500 page book and it was fantastic. It literally consumed my mind!!
Friday, 11/28 I found the 2nd book, New Moon at Target. I bought it and had it finished by Saturday morning. We arrived back at home (MN home) around 6 pm and I helped Joe unpack in record time and took off to MGM for beer and Target for books 3 and 4 (Eclipse and Breaking Dawn). As I headed out the back door to Target I heard by fabulous husband say, "I married a bookworm."
I returned home and started reading Eclipse while Joe watched some metal show and I had that book finished by Sunday morning. I started Breaking Dawn and wasn't able to finish that book until Tuesday (I had to go to work on Monday - couldn't just stay in bed and read).
Now each book is 500 - 750 pages long and I had all four finished in 8 days - they are amazing - all I thought about were these damn books and what would happen next, if I was Bella what would I do, etc. So I called Carrie and yelled at her and she laughed and we made a date to see the movie Twilight. We went this past Saturday (12/6) and I just don't know. The movie wasn't terrible, but I had hoped for more. The books are so deep and complex and the movie lost some of that. The actress that played Bella wasn't super convincing but the guy that played Edward was well worth it.
If you want to see the movie, see it before you read the book - you may be more impressed than I was. And yes they are going to make New Moon into a movie and yes I will see that too (right Carrie - you and I have a date for that one too?)
Hi Brooke,
You have turned into LU! She always was abook worm! This is really a cool thing, I am not real techno savy but neat idea.
I haveto admit I caught myself tearing up looking at the pictures. Especially you, Amy, Lu, Sal and Mary! You were all such a big part of my life and now we don't even see each other.
Don & I were home for Thanksgiving too, I wish we would have known we could have gotten together.
Next time.
Is Amy getting excited? I of course have avball tournament that day (not that I expected to be invited) what am I saying I better be!
I'll keep in touch now that I know how to find you!
I want a wedding picture of you two!
Love ya,
Very techno brooke,
Grandma Lu must be so proud that you are a bookworm.
I had tears in my eyes looking at the pic. of all the girls. everyone looks so great. You were all so much apart of my life and now we never see each other. WE need to get together.
We were home for turkey day to, we could have gotten together, maybe next time.
I'll stay in touch now that I cam find you.
I'll get you my work email through the email you sent.
Love you,
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