December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We were lucky enough to be able to take some time off and have a nice little visit to East Troy for Christmas. Nana and Papa hosted Christmas Eve this year and it was a blast! Mateo put on quite the show for everyone and was quite enamored with his cousin Mya.

Christmas day was pretty quite and relaxing and Mateo made quite the haul between Auntie A and Uncle L, Nana/Papa and Santa. However, Auntie A and Uncle L will be paid back at some point for the drum they gave to Mateo - not sure how or when but they will be paid back.

It's tough work opening presents


nana said...

not all those presents were for mateo, santa DID bring some for everyone!! (santa amazon) ~~
had great holiday fun with the family :)

Amy said...

He looks really little in those pics & it wasn't even that long ago!