March 9, 2009

On my nightstand

I finished Milkweed last night and wow - talk about a downer. The book was good but the subject (the Holocaust) was hard to read. However, considering the subject, it was an easy read but I just can't imagine...

So on to book number four - A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. Yes, this is the book that author James Frey said was his "memoir" and went on Oprah's Book Club list, only for news to break that Frey had not been completely honest and some of the details in the book were made up.

The Smoking Gun first reported news of the embellishment which led Oprah to bring Frey back on the show as well as the publisher, who had never fact-checked the book.

The question I have is why didn't Frey just promote the book as fiction noting some aspects of the book were taken from his own life. Wouldn't that have been much easier on him and the publisher?

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