May 28, 2009
I'm famous!!
For work, we started a LinkedIn group to talk about B2B Lead Generation - I know, not the most interesting topic but hey, it's what I do for a living.
Anyway, in the 3 weeks since we have launched this group, we have had 1600+ people join the group. Today I was sent an email from one of the group members saying he wrote a blog post mentioning our group on LinkedIn and I was mentioned - heck, I was a subtitle in the blog!! (Go for Brooke)!!
Brian and I are mentioned towards the bottom if you care to skip to the good part:
May 25, 2009
Attention - Brian's Gig
Congratulations Luke!!!
May 24, 2009
Sunday, 5/24: So long, farewell
Saturday, 5/23: The grill master
We moved outside for some beer and played UNO while Joe kept an eye on the pork chops, steak and country style pork ribs.
Amy won both games of UNO and then it was time to bring out the macaroni salad, roasted veggies, sweet corn, plates etc. There was lots of food and lots of food left over. I think Joe thought there was going to be more than just the four of us.

Saturday, 5/23: Farmer's Market and errands
We walked around - she thought it was great and bought a present for Dad (which I can't tell you because he needs to see it first). After I drove her around downtown St Paul so she could see it and then stopped at Caribou to grab coffee for us and the boys.
We got home and woke up Luke and he and Joe started playing NHL again. Amy and I decided to leave to run a little errands (this was around 8 AM). We ran to a salon to get her makeup, Target to look at shoes, Michaels to look at invites, Archivers and Pier 1 (both were closed) and then back home. We got back around 10ish and yes, the boys were STILL playing NHL.
I made some pigs in a blanket (PIB), pizza rolls, brought out some chips/dip and made a buffalo chicken dip. Amy was being a wonderful little sister and got the PIB out of the oven and I had no idea Amy had super strength. She shut the oven and this happened:

Friday, 5/22: Take me out to the ballgame
We walked across the street and walked around the Metrodome and did this:

We had enough of batting practice so we walked around the whole Metrodome to show Luke, the boys got some brats and then it was back to our seats for the start of the game which went downhill from there.
I was super excited and thought this was going to be a great game - however very early on the Twins took a commanding lead and the Brew Crew couldn't recover. I even caught myself cheering for the Brew Crew because I just wanted them to get back in the game. We left in the 7th because Amy and Luke just couldn't take it anymore. The final score you ask? Twins 11, Brewers 3. Ouch!
Friday, 5/22: Ikea and the MOA
First on the agenda was to hit Ikea so Amy and Luke could look for a TV stand, table or dresser. Neither had been to Ikea before and loved it. I think we were there for close to two hours. Amy and Luke ended up buying a TV stand which luckily did fit in Joe's car with the four of us.
Right across the street is the Mall of America so we were headed there next to a) look at DSW for shoes for Lucy's wedding and b) because Luke has never been there before.
Walking into MOA for the first time
We walked around and of course Joe and Luke spotted Game Stop and it was all over. We were in there forever (at least that's what it felt like for Amy and I).
No shoes at DSW so we continued to walk around and shop and then it was home to relax for a little bit before the game. Joe and Luke played another game of NHL 08 (which is what Joe bought at Game Stop) and it was quite amusing to watch. We changed and then headed to Hubert's before the Brewers/Twins game.Thursday, 5/21: Honk, Honk
The kids got to our place about 3:30ish and we brought all their stuff inside and chilled before heading out to the 5-8 for dinner.
Amy had her namesake, a Juicy Lucy and loved it - that is what the 5-8 is known for. It's a burger that has cheese (lots of it) inside of it and it's fabulous. Luke was given his burger and literally 5 seconds later it was gone - the boy inhaled it!!
Back home we went and then decided to see Angels and Demons. It was alright. Much different from the book...
And then it was back home and to bed since we were going to have a busy day Friday.
May 23, 2009

Cousin Brian, Uncle Scott, Kevin (A's handsome hubby), Ray (Joe's dad) - thank you! If there are other military personal reading, thank you too.

As we stand here looking
At the flags upon these graves
Know these flags represent
A few of the true American brave
They fought for their Country
As man has through all of time
Except that these soldiers lying here
Fought for your country and mine
As we all are gathered here
To pay them our respect
Let's pass this word to others
It's what they would expect
I'm sure that they would do it
If it were me or you
To show we did not die in vein
But for the red, white and blue.
Let's pass on to our children
And to those who never knew
What these soldiers died for
It's the least we can do
Let's not forget their families
Great pain they had to bear
Losing a son, father or husband
They need to know we still care
No matter which war was fought
On the day that they died
I stand here looking at these flags
Filled with American pride.
So as the bugler plays out Taps
With its sweet and eerie sound
Pray for these soldiers lying here
In this sacred, hallowed ground.
Take home with you a sense of pride
You were here Memorial Day.
Celebrating the way Americans should
On this solemnest of days.
May 14, 2009
1 week...

(the hand belongs to Luke's nephew Owen)
Seriously, Joe and I are so excited for them to come and all we've been doing is thinking of what we can do, where to take them etc.A & L will be coming up Thursday (5/21) evening so once they get to our house, the four of us are going to the 5-8 for dinner. Friday will be Ikea in the morning and then over to the Mall of America so Amy and I can look at shoes for the wedding. Around 3ish we'll hit Hubert's for drinks and munchies before we walk across the street to see the Twins play the Brewers!!
Saturday morning Amy and I are getting up early to get coffee and then head to the Saint Paul Farmer's Market around 6 AM. After that, we have no idea what we'll do for the rest of Saturday or Sunday.
I hope this week goes fast...
May 12, 2009
Saint Paul Farmer's Market
Yes, 6 AM is correct. That way I can get a good parking spot!!
May 6, 2009
Happy Anniversary

Impromtu Family Reunion Part 2
Side note - Cheryl, since I was so horribly cruel to forget to mention that I ran into you and that it was the highlight of my night, here's a picture of us :)