Sorry - this has been a bit delayed...
It was great to see everyone while we were down for the 4th. We had a great time relaxing, golfing (Dad is AWESOME!), drinking, eating and relaxing (oh wait - I already said that). I have to give a shout out to Mom and Dad - I was pretty sad when I heard the pool was leaving (it would have been the perfect weekend for it) but their backyard is amazing! I meant to take pictures and completely forgot so if you are reading this Mom or Dad, please send some.
I think the highlight of the weekend was that for the first time Joe drove the whole way, both ways! I didn't have to drive once...I even offered, it was wonderful! the real highlights were:
The ETBT: Can you believe it? I actually went to it...TWICE! It will probably be a long time before I go back but hey, it was cool to be able to hang out with my sister and watch her and all her silly friends.
Brian: I haven't seen him in FOREVER!!!!! He looks great and I wish we could have chated more. Brian - if you're bored, shoot me an email :)
Steph and Troy's House: Beautiful, lovey, adorable...what else can I say. Joe and I told them that if they build a pool in the back, we'll rent the top of the garage from them or just set up a camper/tent in the back. Ok Steph and Troy - when is the pool going in? How much do you really want Joe and I to move back?? :)
It was a great weekend and I can't believe it has been 2 weeks already. Time sure does fly...Here are some pictures...
Aww Lu - Surrounded by the grandkids

The cutest ones of all

Yes, this is how he cooks at his restaurant too!!